Dry Needling

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Dry Needling in Hong Kong

Dry needling or intramuscular stimulation (IMS) is a technique used by certified practitioners to decrease muscular and nerve-related pain and restore optimal function.

It involves inserting very thin microfilament needles, without the injection of any substance, into tight bands of muscle to create a ‘neurophysiological reset’ or ‘trigger point release’, which feels like a twitch of the muscle. 

What are the benefits of dry needling?

Dry needling can provide therapeutic pain relief without the need for prescription medication or surgery and their inherent risks.

The main benefits of dry needling are:

  • relief of muscle pain and tightness

  • improved range of motion

  • increased speed of recovery.

Are there any potential side effects of dry needling?

Dry needling is generally a very safe treatment when conducted by a trained practitioner. However, as with all treatments, some recipients of the treatment may experience side effects such as:

  • bruising 

  • soreness

  • lightheadedness or dizziness.’

What’s the difference between dry needling and acupuncture?

Due to their respective use of needles, people often cannot tell the difference between acupuncture and dry needling.

Acupuncture is follows Traditional Chinese medicine and involves stimulation to relieve pain and address various health conditions. It focuses on controlling the flow of energy (qi) around the body.

Dry needling follows a Western medical approach to trigger points, anatomy and human physiology. It is often used to relieve pain, restore range of motion and accelerate recovery from injury.

Who can perform dry needling?

Only licensed healthcare practitioners are able to provide dry needling services. These practitioners are required to undertake continuing education courses specializing in this treatment.

Is dry needling covered by insurance?

As dry needling is incorporated into our sports chiropractic treatment program, you may be able to claim back your fees provided your insurance policy covers chiropractic care. Check with your insurance company if you are covered for these services.  

Where can I get dry needling done in Hong Kong?

Dr. Ian Shaw incorporates dry needling into his sports chiropractic treatment program.

He has completed a Diploma in Contemporary Biomedical Acupuncture (Dip. Acu) in Toronto, Canada, under the Acupuncture Council of Ontario. The program was completed in adjunct to the Chiropractic program in Canada. He has been practicing dry needling for over 7 years on Olympic athletes, professional athletes and weekend warriors.

Ian Shaw